Category: activation

  • Off to Oak Island!

    Up early, final packing (and unpacking!) almost finished. This is just a quick post before I turn this off and pack it up. This Lenovo Chromebook running Linux Mint is the only device that I have no means of charging for the next couple of days, so battery conservation will be crucial (assuming that I…

  • Oak Island expedition, day -1

    8:45 local time, near dusk, overlooking the Madeleine Island ferry terminal. About 7 hours of driving up Highway 13 brought me to the Harbor’s Edge Motel in Bayfield, a lovely little town filled with cool stuff, including two bookstores; but everything but the restaurants and bars was unfortunately closed by the time I got in.…

  • Oak Island, W9/WI-041 ATNO and K-0764, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

    Well, I’ve been hinting around it for long enough. The big activation that I have been planning is coming up rapidly, (maybe, even after all my planning, a little too rapidly)! It will be Oak Island; K-0764 and W9/WI-041, June 2nd and 3rd. I will be preparing this post over the next few days, to…

  • X6100 and EFHW at Wildcat Mountain

    The weather today was a lot more pleasant than when I last activated K-1480, but I was using the same equipment. I planned to trim a few inches from the QRPguys EFHW to improve the SWR while I was setting up but it seemed to have the opposite effect … now I am wondering what…

  • Devil’s Lake State Park, K-1449 and Ice Age National Scenic Trail, K-4238

    After a weekend of chilly and rainy weather there came a day where the forecast promised slightly nicer conditions, and I had scouted out this location a few weeks earlier on a trip to the Menard’s in Baraboo. I got there early and considered operating outdoor portable for the first time this year, but a…

  • It was snowing lightly on Wildcat Mountain …

    as I worked 24 hunters this morning at Wildcat Mountain State Park, K-1480. It drizzled all night, on & off, it was still drizzling as I loaded the car and drove to the park; as I was unwinding the antenna wire I saw the first few snowflakes. There was a brief period of snow pellets,…