Some links to other sites I like:

Not organized at all, sorry, maybe someday I will do that; right now I just want to post links to some of my favorite sites …

My old website on Blogger

QRPer – Thomas Witherspoon, K4SWL – lots of good stuff about POTA, SOTA, and QRP generally!

Four State QRP Group; kits, operating events, and more.

QRPguys; lots of cool kits

K6ARK; EFHW and other kits, 3D printable designs, too.

QRPme; lots of kits, including the iconic Tuna Tin rigs.

OH8STN; QRP with an emphasis on off-grid operating

K0NR, ,Bob; The KØNR Radio Site home of Potaxxia, “Ask your doctor if Potaxxia is right for you” LOL! + much more; including SOTA in the VHF and UHF bands. – Rebecca KO4KVG and Ben KO4KVH I don’t remember the twisty series of links that led me to their blog, but I’m glad I found them! Enthusiastic POTA / SOTA activators!