Author: Admim

  • Well, here’s something new: a Wildcat Mountain trifecta

    I enjoy hiking in a lot of different ways; sometimes all-eyes-and-ears observing the sight and sounds of life all around; sometimes meditative and full of the spirit of shinrin-yoku; often a mixture of both; sometimes (not too often) it’s just pushing along to get to the end. Today, I don’t know quite why, my motivation…

  • April omnibus post

    Spring is getting pretty firmly established here; though we are still getting some light overnight frosts, the daytime temperatures can get into the 60s. The lakes and streams are still low; we need more rain! Home DIY is taking up a lot of time, and the expanded garden is making increasing demands. I managed to…

  • Camel Bluff again, on a snowy day

    Really, just a few pictures taken this morning. I love hiking when it is snowing; it lays a great silence on the world which makes for a tranquil and invigorating experience. That’s about all for today; it’s still snowing now, hours later. It looks like 3 or 4 inches so far. Radio? Soon! Thanks for…

  • Mill Bluff Trifecta! and a few random notes

    Saturday morning I was up early and managed to get out for a hike before the sun was up; Mill Bluff State Park was my choice. I avoided the three deer crossing the highway and made it to the park just a bit after dawn. Since I had so much time I thought I would…

  • A hike around Camel Bluff, and an amplified speaker for the tr(u)SDX

    On Saturday I was en route to the nearest Aldi store and realized I would soon be passing by Mill Bluff State Park, which quickly led to trying to remember the last time I had hiked the Camel Bluff trail, or any of the other hikes at this small-but-fun park … I still have no…

  • Mid-March omnibus

    A summary of what’s been happening lately Tomorrow (the 19th) is the first day of Spring! Astronomical Spring, that is. Meteorological Spring already happened on the 1st; I suppose they do that for consistency in their statistical calculating, makes it easier to just move along and ignore all of that messy real-world stuff. Quick vignettes…

  • Dare we hope that Punxsutawney Phil was right?

    Barring a couple days of polar weather about 2 weeks ago, the weather in the Driftless has been unusually mild in the month that has passed since the annual proclamation, which, unusually, was for an early spring. This has only occurred 21 times in the138 year history of the noted weather prophet. I greeted the…

  • Staying in that rut

    After the last post I resolved to go to a different park next time; alas, that resolution evaporated last Saturday morning just after I got my coffee (big cup and full vacuum bottle) at the local Kwik Trip! Onward to Wildcat Mountain! The moon was setting, near the horizon, as I drove westward, and soon…

  • In a rut

    A few days ago I noticed (looking at my POTA stats) that since last June the only park I have activated has been good old K-1480, Wildcat Mountain! Not sure just how that came about; I started 2023 with a string of new (to me) parks. I think I need to get back into that…

  • Winter Field Day 2024 at Wildcat Mountain

    WFD is, first & foremost, an emergency communications exercise conducted under less-than-optimal conditions (at least for those of us in the Northern states, lol). This year I made a virtue of necessity and used my lack of planning (see the previous post) as part of the exercise; after all, emergencies do not give us advance…

  • Winter Field Day is next weekend

    and I have done nothing to prepare for it, nothing at all. Radios are packed at least; with fully charged batteries. Probably I will go to a park, but which one? for details about this annual event, or visit here a day or two later to read all about what I did. Thanks for…

  • Word cloud

    in lieu of any other content: I have always thought word clouds were cool, so when I visited recently I saw this and made a screenshot of it. It seems to only encompass the main page’s content. Maybe I will look for a WordPress plug-in or widget to do this for the whole site.…