June 24th:
To quickly recap, the story begins here, and is continued here.
All it took, in the end, was actually sitting down at the bench and (gasp!) actually working on it for maybe 40 minutes; I had the last remaining part, an input jack, right there. Finding one was the last thing I did before I was distracted / called away. Plugged in the soldering iron and got to it.

Updated, July 1st:
I’m going to try something new; inserting a short video of it in operation … W1AW sending slow Morse practice.
Nice clear sound!
Weight, 5.4 ounces; less than the Anker Soundcore Mini (7.1 ounces), yay!
If anyone is interested in seeing a parts list with an eye toward building one of these for yourself, mention it in a comment or an email and I will prepare one.
Thanks for visiting driftlessqrp!
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