QRP in the Driftless

Just a few minutes before the fiery ball comes over the ridgeline.
  • Van Loon State Wildlife Area, US-9870

    When I finished hiking the 7 Bridges trail it was almost 1 pm, and definitely lunchtime! Fortunately I had brought a cooler and was able to recharge on sandwiches and cold liquids, and (fighting off post-lunch laziness) I was ready to start the other part of my plan for the day: activating US-9870, Van Loon…

  • Another antenna project (oh, no!)

    A few weeks ago I found the remains of one of the original telescoping whips that came with my Buddipole set. They were made of brass, and took a lot of damage from blowing down in the wind. The stainless steel 17-foot whip I replaced them with has proved much more durable. Examining it with…

  • Compasses

    I have seen so many changes in navigation technology over the last half-century or so; it’s really quite amazing … back in high school I learned map & compass land navigation; a few years later I was studying celestial navigation with sextant and chronometer at the Planetarium for a sailing trip that never happened. 25…

  • Touch paddle project

    Updated! This project got started in October last year and is finally (mostly) finished! After the first failure came a redesign, and some very intermittent work on it. A few days ago I started to work toward wrapping it all up: I salvaged the touch sensors and paddle pieces, gently cutting a saw kerf in…

  • An end-of-July omnibus

    Just stuff that’s been on my mind, but nothing big enough for a whole post. Projects, old and new The design was based on the article “What about the simple receiver?” in the June 1934 issue of QST, and “Rationalizing the autodyne”, January 1933. As something more in line with my current interests I am…

  • Dell Creek SWA; US-4281

    Dell Creek State Wildlife Area, US-4281, occupies several unconnected tracts of land, mostly in Sauk County, west of the Wisconsin Dells and Mirror Lake State Park. There are 13 parking areas scattered among them to provide access. Early Sunday morning I started at the northernmost ones along Dore Road, which all lacked shade, had lots…

  • Found-materials antenna challenge

    It might have been 2 weeks ago that I stopped in a wayside and saw a tangle of something orange-ish laying on the blacktop as I was leaving; naturally I stopped to pick it up just for the sake of keeping the area clean. It proved to be two lengths of something like 24 gauge…

  • A new park: Willow Creek SFA, US-10646

    Today when I left the house I had a list of parks in my head; some new, a few that I just haven’t visited lately. Necedah, Buckhorn, Rocky Arbor, Dell Creek, Mirror Lake, Natural Bridge, Devil’s Lake, … As I drove away from the KwikTrip with a fresh breakfast sandwich and a big cup of…

  • Back on the air at Wildcat Mountain

    It was cool and damp, and the sun was not yet up, when I headed off along the back roads toward my favorite activation spot, hot coffee in hand. Last year on June 25th I activated Wildcat Mountain State Park, US-1480, and started an unbroken string of activating only that park; not by planning or…

  • Finishing the (tr)uSDX amplified speaker

    June 24th: To quickly recap, the story begins here, and is continued here. All it took, in the end, was actually sitting down at the bench and (gasp!) actually working on it for maybe 40 minutes; I had the last remaining part, an input jack, right there. Finding one was the last thing I did…

  • Adding a solar data thing …

    … to see how it works. it’s a snippet of HTML: inside a “Custom HTML” block. The snippet above is in a “Code” block. I don’t have a sidebar to put it in, though; maybe stick it down on the bottom of the page ? hmm, okay; seems to work at the bottom in the…

  • huh, wow, blindsided by Field Day again

    Check back after the weekend to find out how I deal with it Updated, July 1st: Never was able to get a block of time freed up to do radio, either Saturday or Sunday. Next year!

A backwater of the Mississippi River in the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge on a gloomy, chilly day in early November, viewed from the Lower Diversion Dike Trail.

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