Watch for updates all day!
7 am local time, also 7 degrees F outside; we got about 1 1/2″ of light, fluffy snow overnight, (actually cleared the walks with a broom rather than a shovel) so in the interest of safe travel I am leaving later than I might otherwise. Give the plow trucks time to clear the roads, plus daylight to drive by.
10:30 am local; the park wasn’t plowed when I got here, but it wasn’t enough snow to be a problem. It took about 45 minutes to set up the antenna, yes, with guys today. It’s nice and sunny today, but still really cold, too; had to stop setup twice to warm up my fingers.

I’ve been operating about an hour now, 6 contacts, among them Alabama, Washington, Pennsylvania, and Alberta, Canada!
Two hours to go!
12 contacts in the log as we enter the final hour!
Well, that’s it for WFD! 23 contacts today, plus 12 yesterday, not too bad for QRP SSB!
Had a lot of fun! More after I get the antenna down.
About 40 minutes to take down the antenna, I was very careful to take up the guys without tangling, so they will be easy to deploy the next time I set up.

Watch for a full report tomorrow or Tuesday when I’ve had a chance to review my paper logs, and start putting them into electronic form. Since I worked a few POTA stations, I will have to submit a Cabrillo to WFD and two ADIFs to POTA.
1/31/23 – the WFD log submission went okay, but both of my POTA logs “failed, with errors”; I will hear from them soon to tell me what I did wrong, and I will fix it and resubmit them. I counted 4 park-to-park contacts while transferring from paper to computer; I only remembered two of them, the other two were surprises, lost in the fog of chilled-brain or frenzied operating! Later today I will start on a report to post.
2/4/23 – after several rounds of meticulous hand-editing of my two log files, they were finally accepted for processing!
full report coming Real Soon Now! but maybe after I work in another activation; the forecast indicates milder weather coming in the next few days.
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