While running errands today I went a bit out of my way to visit two parks I have not activated yet: Buckhorn State Park , K-1443 and the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, K-0603. I am rushing through this post, so I will just say that they are both lovely parks, ideal for radio, and I will be activating them soon! Watch for the field reports!
I got the April QST today and saw an article about Tom Witherspoon, K4SWL, who produces the excellent QRPer.com blog, which is daily reading for me. Always something interesting there! Well-deserved congratulations, Tom!
The antenna build is moving along, I have the basic loading coil parts made and just need to wind the coil on the form.
I received some double-sided copper-clad G10 board last Friday, but all I have had time for is cutting out blanks on the bandsaw; you can see them in the next picture. More about this soon!
Thanks for visiting driftlessqrp.com!
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