Category: omnibus

  • An October retrospective, and a November omnibus

    Soup weather It drizzled all morning, but as the temperature dropped it has turned into snow. Big, healthy flakes, coming down ever heavier. My most urgent project at the moment is outdoors, so it’s a chance to catch up with the blog, while enjoying a bowl of sausage-and-lentil soup. Lots of little items, in no…

  • “five-two”

    I’ve been thinking of a few emcomm-related posts to put up, emphasizing some of the basic-basics of being prepared for the unexpected. Here’s another one: Today’s brief excursion into emcomm is about the importance of the 2 meter calling frequency, 146.52 MHz. If there is no communications plan, then the plan is “five-two”. I have…

  • Mid-September omnibus

    Word cloud I think I see the problem: Blue skies Here in Wisconsin on a clear, not-too-humid day with fresh wilderness air the sky can be as blue as the sky in a Miyazaki film. Touch paddles 1.1 Serpent! Kickapoo River Thanks for visiting driftlessqrp!

  • An end-of-July omnibus

    Just stuff that’s been on my mind, but nothing big enough for a whole post. Projects, old and new The design was based on the article “What about the simple receiver?” in the June 1934 issue of QST, and “Rationalizing the autodyne”, January 1933. As something more in line with my current interests I am…