Just stuff that’s been on my mind, but nothing big enough for a whole post.
Projects, old and new

The design was based on the article “What about the simple receiver?” in the June 1934 issue of QST, and “Rationalizing the autodyne”, January 1933.
As something more in line with my current interests I am reviving the touch-paddle project. An hour should be enough to finish it.

Tool and parts bag for field radio

A little multimeter and one of those discontinued Leatherman E4 multitools head the list. Somehow both of my parts bags (with mostly identical contents) ended up in here: 42 feet of 26 gauge twisted pair, solder, a few small wire-ties, a BNC – binding post adapter, some small screws. The connector bag has powerpoles, a TRS plug and jack, small wire nuts, a few assorted crimp terminals, and a couple of fuses. A suitable screwdriver is still being sought; I have an excellent Klein with about 16 tips stored in the handle, but it is inconveniently long and keeps threatening to poke a hole in the bag. If they ever make a stubby version I will buy it in a second!

A few hiking pictures

Assorted feet
I have been wanting some little stick-on rubber feet for a while now; haven’t seen quite what I was looking for in the hardware stores (when I remember to look), but it’s not really a urgent thing. Then, yesterday, this:

Found in a cotton shopping bag from an Italian maker of heavy machine tools, with a diverse selection of trade-show “gimmes”, a sampler of self-adhesive feet! Thank you, Minor Rubber Company of Bloomfield NJ and Carrollton TX!
Thanks for visiting driftlessqrp!
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