Mid-September omnibus

Word cloud

Just to break the ice. I like word clouds.

I think I see the problem:

A vintage table lamp suddenly arced and quit working the other day.

Blue skies

The back-lit clouds were so striking and the sky so blue, I had to take a picture.
An antenna insulator in late afternoon sun against that same intense blue.

Here in Wisconsin on a clear, not-too-humid day with fresh wilderness air the sky can be as blue as the sky in a Miyazaki film.

Touch paddles 1.1

I’m going to make it longer this time, and I found a different battery holder.
Sawed to the same width, then in half.
Protoboarding the circuit first, this time …


I was looking down some riverside rip-rap the other day and saw this flash into a small backwater. Thirty seconds later he was gone, downstream. A fine example of a Common Water Snake.

Kickapoo River

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