Yesterday I was in the neighborhood of Mill Bluff S. P. (K-1463) and the weather was unusually mild for this time of year, so it seemed like it might just be time for a quick hike through the woods! The Camel Bluff trail was slippery with half-melted snow and irregular semi-ice and I was glad that I thought to carry a staff with me as I traversed the loop. The sun was perceptibly warm, but the real pleasure I found was seeing the beginning buds on so many trees; a living message that winter will be over soon, and outdoor operating can begin!

I am planning a combined POTA and SOTA activation as soon as it seems feasible this spring, details to be announced as the plan comes closer to fulfillment. I have several wire antennas that are waiting for a tryout in the field, and I just made a new lightweight / minimalist slingshot to help get them in the air. Before then, though, a few more activations from my minivan station are pretty likely, using the Buddipole.
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