I needed to visit the Home Depot in Lake Delton today, and I really wanted to do another activation, too. I brought the dream and the reality together by stopping at Dell Creek State Wildlife Area, K-4281 along the way!

Once I found an access with parking, (off Town Hall road, north of North Avenue), setup was quick and easy. I just plugged in the antenna and mike and started CQing; then I spotted myself on POTA, and hunters started calling me!

I ran the X6100 on internal battery at 5 watts for the first 8 QSOs; when I saw the front-panel meter at 7.2 volts (the 6100’s minimum voltage for transmitting) I went over to the external 12 volt battery. I ran 15 stations in 23 minutes and then handed the frequency over to another activator and started packing up.

Leaving the feedline and the counterpoise connected saves a lot of time at setup!

Thank you hunters for making this a quick and fun activation! Thanks also go to my two park-to-park contacts; we have to stick together and help each other out!
And, as always, thanks to everyone who visits driftlessqrp.com!
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