After a hike on a new (to me) trail, a return to an old favorite!
The Ice Cave trail is a short and enjoyable hike all-year-round, but its special time is winter, when there may be an actual Ice Cave. I must have driven past it 7 or 8 times in the last few months, and gone right by because of time pressure, etc., but today … I stopped.
The weather has been pretty consistently cold for a few weeks so I hoped to find some ice there, and I was happy to find more than I expected.

Every year something different; sometimes a few different formations in a single winter if there are freeze-and-thaw cycles. Here we have a closed-end cave, other times it can be open-ended. Walking on the water-slick ice back there can be tricky; I didn’t even try. It looks like last week’s two day warm snap melted it a little, so the vertical elements are softer edged. I could hear the water falling, but I couldn’t see where.
Okay, that’s enough, back to work on the WFD post!
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