I was recently able to arrange a whole day to devote to “things I feel like doing” as distinct from “things I need to do”, and I chose to visit Van Loon State Wildlife Area, a bit north and west of Holmen (a northern suburb of La Crosse). Why this, particularly? I was looking for a book by the historian Hendrik Willem Van Loon, and search engine results included the SWA and the 7 bridges trail within it. Follow the links to get the whole fascinating story; I don’t want to get into TL:DR territory. Of course I also found a book about the history of the bridges and how the bridges were preserved by local nature lovers, who continue to maintain the trail today.

I made a late start (for me) on a clear, cool morning that made the drive a pleasure, and it was still cool when I arrived at the park. I knew from my reading that the whole area was low ground with streams and marshy areas so I sprayed my hat and t-shirt with bug repellent before I grabbed my lightest hiking pack and set out down the trail.

Smooth sailing! The trail is wide and quite flat. The two strips free of vegetation show the fairly frequent passage of maintenance vehicles.

As I walked deeper and deeper, the bugs kept getting more numerous; by Bridge 5 they were getting a little bit annoying and their numbers kept increasing beyond there. Evaporation of my repellent spray wasn’t helping either.

I walked pretty rapidly until the pesky mosquitoes abated a bit, and drained all of my water bottles as I walked back to the trailhead.

Thanks for stopping by to join me on this pleasant hike! There is also a POTA activation (Van Loon SWA) post below.
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