Category: emcomm
Winter Field Day is coming
… not this weekend, not the next one, the one after that … January 25th and 26th. 1600 UTC to 21:59 UTC the next day. I imagine I’ll do as before; treat it as an exercise: just throw my packs (as they stand) into the car. Set up at Wildcat Mountain State Park? Over half…
I’ve been thinking of a few emcomm-related posts to put up, emphasizing some of the basic-basics of being prepared for the unexpected. Here’s another one: Today’s brief excursion into emcomm is about the importance of the 2 meter calling frequency, 146.52 MHz. If there is no communications plan, then the plan is “five-two”. I have…
A tale of resiliency and recovery from Helene
Thomas Witherspoon (K4SWL) who blogs at lives in the Swannanoa area of North Carolina which was hit hard by Hurricane Helene late last month. His series of posts from there is well worth reading and are collected at this link: Helene Aftermath
The “pink card” :
or, always be prepared for emergency communication. Reading a post by K4SWL about his experiences during (and after) Hurricane Helene got me thinking about ham radio’s more serious side: being the when-all-else-fails backup mode for communications when the infrastructure goes away. I could go on at some length about all the different ways that we…