Buckhorn State Park, US-1443

Lat week I found a window of time to go play radio! The night before, I spent some time looking at the POTA map and tentatively decided on going to Buckhorn S. P., one that I never activated before, though it is not far away.

The day dawned chilly (in the ‘teens), breezy, and sort of overcast as I drove there, but soon after I got set up the sun was shining through a few remainng wisps of cloud. Buckhorn is a big park, and one I am not very familiar with (yet), so I drove around a bit looking for a good spot, and found a nice one in Hunter Parking Lot A, adjacent to the Buckhorn State Wildlife Area.

Unlike some nearby parks, Buckhorn is quite flat, the area was all the bottom of Lake Wisconsin back in glacial times.
It was a breezy day, but guying wasn’t needed.

Setup was routine, and there was a park on the air just 1 kHz away when I turned on the radio. The op was just calling “last call”, so I was his last QSO before going QRT. There I was on a nice clear frequency, so after a decent interval and a few “is this frequency in use?” calls I started CQing and self-spotted.

WOW! What a response! For most of 45 minutes I was working a pileup! So many stations calling it was hard to catch a whole callsign; usually I had to say “station ending in alpha zulu?” or “the kilo echo 5 again please?”.

When it was all over I had 42 contacts logged, and only one blank page remaining in my logbook!

What an amazing day!

Possible twofer?

When I looked at the map today I noticed that during my activation I was easily within 100 feet of the Buckhorn State Wildlife Area, a new POTA entity as of a few days ago: US-12077.

Hmmm, no, the 100 foot rule only applies to trails / trailheads; merely adjacent is not good enough to generate a twofer, the entities must overlap to meet the stricture of “100% within the park”. Oh, well, no twofer.

This minor error tells me I probably should re-read the rules; maybe even print a copy for reference purposes.

Thanks for visiting driftlessqrp! I hope to get out again soon!





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